For the project greenhouse was creating a small ecosystem important.
After some research I found out, that used tealeaves are a great incentive for growing new herbal tea. And because tea is the second most drunk drink in the world it was interesting to make an ecosystem out of tea.
The concept is that when people buy a tea
box it includes earth tablets, teabags with as labels seed paper.
After all the tea is drunk, people can put the earth tablets, used tealeaves
and labels together in the carton package to grow their own herbal tea like Chamomile,
mint and peppermint.
II made a greenhouse were the tea boxes fit in perfectly, so it also becomes something stylish for at home.
The greenhouse is made of recycled birch wood and the glass is from used picture frames.
On the package of the box will be a QR-code for an animation were the process is explained.